Piezo-controlled Gas Mixing System
Your gamechanger for laser cutting machines
Faster, more precise and with low energy consumption – be part of the evolution and secure the leading edge! Cutting sheet metal with the HOERBIGER LasGAM is the fastest and cleanest way to get any shape out of metal up to 120 mm thickness with up to 50 kW. The mixing gas blows the molten metal out of the cutting gap. Minimised rework due to reduced burr and faster cutting saves time, energy and money.

Piezo-controlled Gas Mixing System

Piezo-gesteuertes Gasmischsystem

Piezo Kontrollü Gaz Karıştırma Sistemi

피에조 조절 가스 혼합 시스템



LasGAM (Laser Gas Mixing System for laser cutting machines)
Rafael Fronia
HOERBIGER Flow Control GmbH
Mobile: +49 162 277 7042
Christopher Sannwald (Spain)
Kruger Dos Ibérica
Phone: +34 669423464
Luca Sfolcini (Italy)
D.A.D.A. SYSTEM S.r.l.
Phone: 02 84269630
Kyungdon Cho
8F KR Tower, 108, Songi-ro, Songpa-gu, Seoul, Korea (05713)
Mobile: +82 10 9109 1471
Send email
Sungjoon Lee
Hioil E&T Co.,Ltd.
Phone : +82 2 413 7959
Mobile : +82 10 3735 1604
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